Good morning, Saskia here,
Are you home? Really home in your body, in this moment?
Take 2 minutes to do the exercise below.
Being present means I LOVE YOU. Being present is the key to being connected.
Have you ever pulled into your driveway and had no idea how you got there? Or have you ever had a conversation with someone and not been able to recall one thing that they said? Or, said YES to your kid without knowing what the question was?
Has your mind ever gone completely haywire with a run-away inner monologue that sounds something like this: “I have to remember to call him. I can’t believe my friend said that. So rude. Did I pay that bill? What if Josh doesn’t make the team?”
I get it. Life is big and busy and dynamic! But stay too long on the hamster wheel and your internal hard drive is headed for a crash. Your family and marriage suffer alike. The cure?
It’s the key to run a succesful life. To run a succesful family. To run a succesful marriage.
Presence is what slows our body down. Presence gives birth to gratitude. Presence deepens our relationships and our connections to the people in our lives. Giving undivided attention is giving love. Your love.
But with the never ending roller coaster of things to do, obligations to remember and “what-ifs” to worry about, staying present can be TOUGH. You need to be present to yourself, your work, your family, and your inspiration. THAT will lead you to success.
Here is a simple, four-step exercise that you can do anywhere, to get back to being present.
1. Look where your feet are. Literally. Right now my feet are propped up on the couch. I am in my house. My living room to be exact. And…where are you? Then pull your energy back into your solar plexus. Do it now.
2. Pay attention to your senses: Here in my living room, I hear the waves from the ocean crashing on the shore and birds chirping, I see the dogs and I smell the coffee from the kitchen and I am comfy on my couch.
3. Close your eyes, take a breath and invite the light– For just 10-30 seconds, take deep breaths, and having taken stock of what’s around you, ask your higher power to wrap light and love around you, that you may hold onto the feeling of presence. Affirm: All is Well.
4. Name a blessing– as you open your eyes, quietly name something you are grateful right at this moment. Is it that you’re alive? that you have a warm home? That the dogs are waiting to be walked?
Life is all around you. Take just a few moments each day to hear it, see it, FEEL it! As you practice presence, it’ll come more naturally. Start with yourself and then practice being present to others. Really present.
Life is too precious to throw moments away to distraction, busy-ness and unnecessary worry. THIS moment. Right here, right now. THIS is where you are, what you should nurture, and what life is all about!
Being present means I LOVE YOU. Being present is the key to being connected.
To your beautiful presence,