“Because everybody else does…?”
If you have teenagers, you’ve probably been given this as an excuse for unfavorable actions…
For example, when our oldest son passed his driving exam we didn’t know that the first thing he did was pick up his best friend and drive to the mall in the worst possible rainstorm ever. Why?
He said, “Because everybody else does, mom.”
Do we as adults use this statement to excuse, motivate, or justify our actions (on non-actions) too?
Often what everybody else does is the standard. But is that your standard?
When following your Soul’s path you cannot do what everybody else does. We all have our own unique path, and that’s very different from what everybody else does…
Stop for a moment and tune in where you are now:
If you are in “busy energy” you can’t hear your inner guidance…
If you are in a hurry you are not in your body…
If you are in worry your head is searching for solutions in the wrong place…
If you are confused you can’t be with the reality…
If you are in fear you are not “in” love…
If you behave or do things because everybody else does, are you behaving according to your highest version of yourself?
Really. You Gotta Stop.
Today do something what NOT everybody else does.
What makes you so unique that only YOU do, or say, because nobody else does?
Is it a certain behavior, attitude, skill, gift, what is it?
Don’t hold back because there is only NOW and only YOU to express your unique essence which comes from love. You might not have a second chance.