Did You Know That There is a Way Too...
Love Womanhood, Succeed In Your Calling & Thrive
It’s one thing to be a Woman
It’s another to be successful in your Calling
But How Do You Do Both?
You’re a Woman with a Gift and Want to Make Your Mark in the World.
Or You’re a Entrepreneur and Struggle to be Successful in Your Business.
Maybe you think You Need to Wait till the time is right.
No, You Don’t. The World Needs Your Gifts Now!
Do you think your life is a compromise and either /or – either you raise your kids and or you fulfill your calling (or succeed in your business)?
Do you continually sacrifice your time, your self-care, and your sensuality and put the needs of your spouse, your kids, your parents and your company first?
Do you struggle inside because you’ve put off your dreams until “one day”? Or because you don’t believe anyone would actually pay you for doing what you love?
Yes, your dream is within reach.
But you may not know that.
You may be ignoring that itch in your soul.
Does This Sound Familiar?
- You wake up frustrated because your Big Dream is on hold until your life is more balanced.
- You are smothering your soul in the corporate world and yearn to follow the path your heart aches for. But you have golden handcuffs and the risk feels too big.
- You are always feeling guilty because you don’t spend enough quality time with your loved ones, whether you have a career or not.
- You’ve sacrificed for years and put the needs of others before your own.
- You’re too busy for self-care, too busyfor your husband, too busy to get in touch with that itch in your soul.
- You know you have a unique talent or gift to share with the world, but you don’t know what it is.
- You have lost the soul-to-soul connection with your partner and yourself.

You might think that at some point, you’ll get organized, and get yourself together. You’ll have more time. But that time never comes.
Every Woman Thinks This!
If any of this rings true for you, great.
Because you’re about to discover how to be happy,
succeed in your soul’s calling, and thrive.

The Queens Journey is the ONLY program out there that teaches you how to love womanhood, succeed in your calling, and thrive, all at the same time. It is not only possible to be a woman with a great life, it’s important for the world for you to fulfill your soul and reach your potential.
Pay in Full $3200 for the 9 Month Program
$397 per month/9 months
- You will feel greater peace, balance and happiness with your family.
- You will feel alive and more sensual as you create time for yourself and your private life.
- You will enjoy being a women on a level you cannot now imagine.
- You will feel empowered as you step into your own spotlight and express your gifts.
- You will feel proud as the world and your family will see you for who you really are.
- You will feel wildly alive as you begin to listen to your Soul every time she whispers to you.
I thought if I’d lose my relationship with my kids and
my husband if I played full out
I’m Saskia Röell, and I have 5 kids who think there’s “no place like home,” I have a six-figure business, and after 25 years, when my husband walks in the door, my heart still skips a beat.
In 2001, I woke up and heard the calling of my Soul. She was bold and clear. She told me that our family of seven was to move from Holland to America.
I listened to her voice. We came to America on a plane that caught fire with 5 children and our dog. Without jobs or contacts, with hardly any money, and with five kids who didn’t speak a word of English. It was the leap of a lifetime.
Fourteen years later, I am a Motherhood, Soul Purpose and Fertility expert. Over 20 years, I have taught women all over the world how to follow their Soul’s calling and the importance of being in love with motherhood.
You’re a women who has a big dream and know that you have a BIG purpose to express… but struggle because you don’t know how to have it all.
You are a woman who has lost herself in her work.
You are waiting to feel the excitement again, to feel alive and passionate about your life
Or You’re a Entrepreneur and Struggle to be Successful in Your Business because you wonder how to do it all.
I No Longer Make Excuses
A few years ago, I had a big aha moment. Even though I thought I was living my calling, I had always put Motherhood first. I was so afraid to lose balance and sacrifice my family and relationship that I didn’t dare to play full out. I thought maybe I should wait till the kids are older and I have more time…
My aha moment showed me that the time is NOW. There is no later… I can’t use my kids as an excuse to postpone my dream. They are part of the journey to get there.
When I learned NOT to use my family as an excuse to fully step into my purpose, my business started to bloom in a very big six-figure way. Until that time I played small and working in my business was actually harder. Now, I have a six-figure business, more money, more time, and a better structure in my home. I can take my kids on exotic vacations which I had dreamed about for years.
The greatest gift as a woman is to show the world that you believe in your dreams so that they have the courage to go for it.
No matter how crazy your dreams are you must go for it. Full out.
Start your business, write your book, open your healing center, become the CEO of your company, start blogging.
It’s possible. We have to make choices that either chain us to our ‘obligations’ or free our spirit and do both.

Pay in Full $3200 for the 9 Month Program
$397 per month/9 months
“I was touched by Saskia’s sweetness, impressed by her professional background, and awed by her role of mother to five children. She immediately became a mentor to me. Saskia took me on a journey of release and empowerment. With her guidance, I was able to release limiting thoughts and behavior that no longer served me. The end result has been an enormous sense of freedom to just be in the moment. My voice is lighter, my walk is lighter, and my heart is lighter. I feel profound joy in moments that I hardly noticed before. More than anything, I have a strong can-do attitude and am becoming clearer about my life vision every day.”
~Gretchen Mollins
“Making the right decisions in life requires a vision of how we see ourselves; Saskia helped me establish that vision and gain insight into my strengths and unique talents, while helping me find tools to manage my weaknesses, as such this program is of enormous benefit for personal and professional growth alike.”
"When I started this journey I was so confused about my life, I didn't know what my purpose was. After nine months I am so confident with myself as a person, I have a new way of thing about my life where I can do anything I want. I always thought that my life path would involve sewing or baking, but after doing the heart song meditation I realized my soul calling is to be a healer and to be able to help people to live more happier and healthier lives. On this journey I fell in love with Reiki healing and that is what I would like to do. I actually signed up myself for first degree Reiki healing and I would love to get whole certification in the near future.
I would love to give you a huge thank you for this, because without you, I would be still stuck and I wouldn't know what to do with my life. THANK YOU."
~Gabriela Tesh
“When I started I was stuck and fearful of success, I was overwhelmed by life, every opportunity seemed like a burden.
The Queens journey was awesome, it started like a gentle walk and ended up a sprint, I am breathless now just talking about it.
And, I had a huge shift attending the retreat. Wow that was powerful! Wow that was powerful and highly recommended, everything came together in very sharp focus. I was ready to start owning and loving my abilities and talents.
My biggest accomplishment was registering my company, JHWORLDWIDE. It encapsulates all that i am and all that i want to do.
I have better time management, I enjoy my multiple roles and I’m not feeling overwhelmed.
I can be Mother, and a successful business woman, Friend, Career and have time for ME, my daily spiritual practice and exercise program.
I have a company that reflects who I am and offers services that my clients want and need.
With these last six months I have completed my voice-over course and recorded my voice-over demo in New York. I worked on a film premier in LA.
I've pitched for the Producer role for an International concert at COP 22 in Marrakech, Morocco - a UN conference on Climate Change. a huge step up for me working with UN agencies and NGOs from around the world.
I have seen a tangible difference in my present relationship.”
The Group work was great acknowledgment of our different gifts and the confidence to follow our dreams. Sharing our results each step of the Queens journey. Accountability, follow up, follow through, we were all queens, very empowering, supportive, great listening to other woman on the same journey each week.
The end of this Queens Journey is the beginning of MY journey I am so happy and excited. I'm dancing now.
Who is This Program For?
This program is for you if …
You’re a women who has a big dream and know that you have a BIG purpose to express… but struggle because you don’t know how to have it all.
You are a woman who has lost herself in her work.
You are waiting to feel the excitement again, to feel alive and passionate about your life
What Can the Program Do For Me?
The Queens Journey will connect you to your Soul’s unique path, and birth your dream into the world.
Yes, that dream. For sure. During the 9 months of this Program, you will birth, not labor, that project or dream that’s been aching in your heart for too many years.
You will find an amazing structure that allows you to enjoy life. Struggles with self- care and overwhelm will disappear.
What will I Achieve at the End of the Program?
You will have found 3 of the world’s greatest treasures:
- You have crystal clarity about your Soul’s Purpose and there’s no going back.
- You will feel joy – day after day.
- If you’re in relationship, you will know how to feel sexy and adored by your guy
How does the Program Work?
To live your Souls calling, love motherhood and raise kids that thrive you need three things:
Your Soul Signature- the fastest path to your fulfillment, your purpose and your wealth
Your Personal Home Structure – for guilt-free personal time for you, your kids and your spouse
Your Key to Freedom from Life-Long Blocks – Finally, freedom to be 100% authentically you!
Over the course of nine months, you will discover the keys to a life of joy, fulfillment, success, and fun in home and career. You’ll get the tools to access your new life the easy way. Perfection will leave your life for good.
If you do this program and follow every step to the best of your ability, here’s what awaits you:
- Your relationship with your kids is more deeply connected and more fun than before.
- You feel like a beautiful woman again.
- You are magnetic and attract love and success into your life.
- You have crystal clarity about your Soul’s path and have the tools to move forward
- You will enjoy success on a level you have not yet known because you know how to let go of “pushing” to make things happen.
- If you are in business, you have a way more successful business, because you have access to your wealth potential.
- You discover that you don’t have to be wealthy at the expense of your happiness, and you don’t have to be happy at the expense of your potential for wealth.
- You discover that being your authentic self at home is the fastest path to happiness, fulfillment and prosperity.
- You discover that being your authentic self in business is the fastest path to happiness, fulfillment and prosperity.
This Program is Like No Other!
During the "Queens Journey" we will unlock three of the secrets that will unlock a life you cannot now imagine.
1. Discover and Activate Your Soul Signature.
Your Soul Signature is the fastest path to your happiness, your fulfillment and your wealth potential. It holds your talents, your gifts, your empowerment key, your heart song, your legacy, your Soul’s intention Statement, and all the roles you’re destined to play in this life. Acknowledging your Soul Signature is the First Step to your greatest potential. Step Two is launching your Soul Signature. This is your big YES! to the Universe that you are ready to make your mark in the world.
2. Your Personal Success Recipe.
Discover how to put a structure in your home so you can have guilt-free, undivided time for your own creative or business urges, fun-time for your kids, and intimate time with your guy. You will know how to activate each Child’s Heart Song. You will set your child free to follow their own soul’s path. You let go of perfection.
You’d rather enjoy every moment, because you have a handle on time management. You will have new rituals, like time to read a magazine on your couch with a cup of tea.
3. Release the blocks that keep you stuck.
If you do not release your emotional baggage, how can you raise kids that thrive? Because you will always be emotionally triggered by the behavior of your kids.
To fully step into your potential you need to release the blocks from the past. We do this every month for 9 months so you are truly free to live the life you’ve been waiting for.
When I started the Queen's journey I was unsure how to juggle it all. My baby was 4 months old, my older one was nearly 3 years old and I didn't feel connected to my husband.. I’d made some very deep investments in my business but wasn’t able to see the fruits of it.
Over the course of the Queen's journey I was reconnected to my True Self - the one I always knew as a little girl who was Capable, Responsible to her soul and had an inner joy and a Can do attitude to life. Saskia's direct but loving way activated my own true nature of personal leadership so I started to develop consistency in my writing and expression in my business.
Little habits and behaviours became consistent.. like getting my child breakfast before he went to childcare. Taking a no excuses approach to getting the best nanny.. who manifested so easily for me once Saskia sang into my ear that the right person exists.
I can now have a bath in the early afternoon before my husband gets home and the kids are happy. For the first time in years even before kids.. I now allow myself to sit with a cup of tea and a magazine on the couch to get some down time. I just have a can do attitude to life...
I had a $17,000 quarter when I spent 30 minutes with Saskia and we realized for my energy levels I actually could hold 8 clients and not 4. I manifested my dream home in six days after six minutes of soul time on the couch while my kids napped : My husband and I are closer than ever and I know now we’ve recommitted and rekindled our relationship.
When I started the coaching program with Saskia I was 47 years old, working 12 hours a day in Corporate America and extremely burnt out.
I knew there was more to life than what I was currently experiencing. I wanted to work with young people. I wanted to be out in the world during the day, not stuck in an office building scurrying from meeting to meeting. I wanted more time with my family. I wanted to be able to travel more…….and I knew it was possible, I was just stuck in my current life and unable to see my way out.
Then along came Saskia. She helped me focus on my strengths. She helped me see my special qualities. She helped me see that I had everything to live the life of my dreams, but that I was in fact the only one holding me back.
Where am I now: I left my Corporate job. I started my own business and am now coaching and mentoring young adults. My days now belong to me. I am free to work, spend time with friends, spend time on my own, or spend time with family. Sometimes all of that in just one day! I just returned from a 3 month trip in our motor home with my husband traveling around North America.
I am forever grateful to Saskia. To say that it has been life changing would be an understatement…
~Sharon Couture
Here is exactly what you get when you decide to go for it with Queens Journey you get:
The first call is about your Soul Signature, and starting to follow the path of your Soul.
The second call is about Releasing Subconscious Blocks that keep you from the life you want.
The third call is about Your Personal Success Recipe, and the secret structure that gives you freedom. I will also be teaching you how to listen to your soul.
72 Page Soul Signature Workbook
A time-tested, step-by-step method to acces your soul purpose so you can love motherhood, succeed in your calling and raise kids that thrive.
Each exercise is designed for you to complete and be guided through the program. By the end of the journey we will complete this workbook together!
Live Two Day "Queens Retreat"
June 2018 One Live 2 Day “Queens Retreat” in Rockport
Launch your Soul Signature and birth your gift to the world. This is one event you do not want to miss!
This Retreat accelerates and deepens everything you will discover in the Program. After the Retreat, you will be on fire to live your Great Life.
It will be impossible to go back to your old habits. You family and friends will notice the change. You will begin to enjoy life in a way you simply didn’t know was possible. Discover ancient hands-on healing techniques for instant energy change for you, your kids and your clients. Divination cards – how to use them in your life and your business Access your Soul’s guidance at any time, for you, your kids and your clients.
Let me take you on a Soul’s Journey to retrieve past gifts and talents you don’t know you have. Swim in an ancient quarry I call the Womb of Mother Earth; past retreat members have reported they felt reborn after swimming in these waters.
Pay in Full $3200 for the 9 Month Program
$397 per month/9 months
“I definitely came to understand why I had the soul yearning to study with her. She taught me things I hadn’t been exposed to in all my studies of spirituality. In a nutshell, I learned just how powerful subconscious beliefs are, how to identify them, and how to turn around the ones that aren’t correct and aren’t serving me. The results? Just a few months after studying with her I found myself in a job I love, in a relationship I love, and in a life I love. I’m so grateful to her. You see, my outer world changed as my inner beliefs got corrected.”
~Cathy B
When I started this journey I was lost in darkness, I could not see my future. I've known my calling since I was 11 years old and each time I would explore my purpose here on earth, I would sabotage it. When I began this journey 9 months ago, I was empty, afraid, and colorless.
The Queens Journey has helped me see the light in ME again, I have began again to set goals weekly for ME, I am now excited and full of color and positive vibrations.
A shift has occurred: Personal Power, I'm absolutely excited about being ME! About being a Queen! (Truth, I have never felt this in my life!)
This journey has began a series of successes: starting my coaching practice again, opening a new office with confidence, getting my website started, facing old commitments with different eyes and setting a timeline to be done with working for others dreams, setting a path of actions, being a true mentor.
Having a group to lean on, priceless. Forcefully, I recommend everyone who embarks on this journey, to go to the "Live" event to meet other souls from the group. Jaslyn said it best, (this is my translation) "Since we've met in person, I feel I have new sisters, if I don't move forward with this; I have, not only, let down myself, but I have let them down as well. It's a form of accountability."
~Kim M
Having just completed the Queen’s Journey lead by Saskia, my life is transformed. When I began I was feeling lost, powerless, and insecure. The Queen’s Journey has helped me claim my power, find courage to align with my souls purpose.
I am excited to say that I’ve gotten really clear on the direction I’m heading in my life. I’ve let go of what is no longer serving me because I’ve gained clarity about where I’ve given my power away.
I can be decisive because I am aligned with my soul’s truth. My biggest shift happened as I went from “doing" to “being,” and discovered guidance in the stillness.
Thank you Saskia for leading the way!
When I started this program I was somewhat stuck, ready - but waiting, and closed and cautious
The Queens Journey has helped me:
*Open and up and share
*Remember the strong, 'can-do' person I am
*To let go of my fear of succeeding;
*To drop my protective guard, and;
*To let my heart lead the way 💞😇😊
My Biggest Accomplishment has been:
*Growing my coaching business
*Starting to write and share .
*Truly - the biggest accomplishment for me has been opening up and sharing more of myself
It gave me a sense of connection and that we all have doubts and insecurities but also ALL have the amazing ability to do whatever we set our minds to. The retreat was fabulous for me to really get me to share more of myself.
Thank you Saskia!! This leg of the journey has brought me to a wholeness I have not felt before. or perhaps it is back to the wholeness I always knew was there..
Before this I knew I had lots of great skills and experiences to share and also a very simplistic, genuine way to connect with others, but also I felt like those qualities were little separate clouds in the sky, if you will I no longer feel this way –
I feel connected and whole, worthy and ready. I feel anchored and yet inspired to soar beyond limits I have previously set. I feel confidential in my talents and yet open to new ways of doing things. I just feel free. To be all of Me.
Future Truth
It’s 9 months from now. Imagine a deep transformation has occurred. Will you look in the mirror and see a woman full of passionate life? Will your husband look at you with new eyes? Or will you still be hanging in there, waiting for something to change?
- You’ve chosen to transform.
- Your calling is alive and you are following your heart’s desire.
- You are writing your book, opening your healing center, becoming the CEO of your company.
- You have new joy in being a women. You love it!
- Your business flourishes in a bigger way because you have balance in home life and work life
- You have cozy dinners at the table with your family
- You have new family rituals and a regular date night with your partner
- Your connection and communication with your family is deeper and more fun.
- You feel sensual, passionate, and your husband is proud of you.
- You can hear your Soul clearly, and you follow her lead.
- You know how to make your Personal Success Recipe work! You feel secure in yourself and you can go for your dream.
What happens if you wait a year or two to join the Queens Journey?

- You’ve chosen to wait.
- You wake up aching and frustrated because it’s another day when you ignore the deepest urging of your soul.
- That dream you have feels like it’s dying inside.
- Busy as you are, the pain doesn’t go away.
- You feel trapped in a job that doesn’t use your core gift or make you happy.
- You keep sacrificing and put the needs of your company and your husband before your own.
- You still hunger for time.
- You feel resentment, because you either spend too much time with your business.
- Your job or business is a constant juggling act, because you have no work-life balance.
- You put off deepening intimacy with your partner, until the time is right
You can join The Queens Journey, and I promise you that you will come to see the joy of discovering your calling, loving being a women, and a new happiness with yourself – that doesn’t go away. Or you can choose to stay where you are and wait…
But you’re already waiting to really live.
How will waiting change your life?

Will you join me on the most magnificent journey that a woman and a mother can take?
Even though it might seem scary to say YES and commit to your calling while being a great mom, ultimately it’s the safest and most inspiring place to be. Right now it might seem easier to stay where you are.
But believe me, I’ve worked with thousands of women, and as time goes on… it gets harder to settle for less. Procrastination does not make your dream happen, nor does it make your dream go away.
That’s why I’m inviting you to the Queenns Journey, so you can start living the life your Soul signed up for and thrive.
I Want It All!
It is My Great Joy to Welcome You To |

I'm excited to take you on the most breathtaking journey of your lifetime...
Just Click the "Payment Option below" to say "Yes" to a passionate, authentic life where you make your mark in the world and leave a magnificent legacy for the world and your kids.
Pay in Full $3200 for the 9 Month Program
$397/per month for 9 months

GUARANTEE: If for any reason you are not astonished at the insights and the step-by -step roadmap to achieving the life you dream of, we will cheerfully refund your money after the first two calls. No questions asked. But I’ve seen so many women achieve amazing results, and I’m so sure you will love the Queens Journey you’ll never want to leave!
Here are some questions I get asked all the time
The right time never comes. If you wait till “one day” that day never comes. It’s always the right time. If you’re reading this… it’s for a reason. This program actually helps you to create more time. Over-scheduled women who’ve taken the program discover to their surprise that there is plenty of time. It all depends on how you structure your time, and I will show you all the secrets. And, if you can’t make a class, you will have the recording you can listen to at your convenience.
If you give yourself permission to do this, he will feel your energy of certainty. This program rekindles your relationship to yourself, your family, and to HIM. He will be in awe of the woman you become. So make your own decision first before you ask your spouse. Take a stand for yourself and your family. You and your husband will never regret the choice.
If you’ve read this page and feel nothing, this is not for you. If you feel excited but a little bit afraid. You have you answer. Do it. This is the only program out there that teaches you how to have it all. Love motherhood, create a happy family and pursue your calling at the same time.
The best part about investing in Great Mom, Great Life, is that making money is just one result of discovering your Soul Signature and feeling fulfilled. Right now, you may have deep blocks to receiving money. Or you wonder how you’ll ever get paid for doing what you love. In Great Mom, Great Life, we release your blocks and clear the way for your success. You will know how to start creating money, doing what you love. There is a moment in the program when you start to embody your Soul Signature, and that is the moment you start to make money.
When it feels daring to join… it’s a sign your Soul is calling you. It means you are ready to take a leap.
Join us and discover Your Soul Signature – your fastest path to happiness, fulfillment and wealth potential!
Astonish yourself with your Your Personal Success Recipe. Get ready for guilt-free time for yourself, fun time with your kids, and intimate time with your guy. Release all those emotional blocks that keep you triggered. So you can step into your full, fabulous potential. If you’re ready for the ride of a lifetime, Just click the button below to say “YES!” and join the excitement as your Soul and your Life begin to take off!
$397/per month for 9 months
P.S. If you feel jittery and nervous, pay attention to your body. It’s your Soul telling you, it’s time to move. Remember, the longer you wait the harder is gets.
P.P.S. When you hesitate because you feel the money is an issue. Tapping into your Soul Signature equals tapping into your wealth potential. It opens the flow of abundance to you.
P.P.P.S. When you feel you are meant for a bigger life, it means you are called to serve. Not only will this program benefit you greatly but your family and the world at the same time. If you don’t give your gift to the world it will be lost forever. Your life is calling. Let’s go.
When I started I was distressed, troubled and messy inside. I was overwhelmed of becoming a mother and wife at the same time. Feeling trapped by my old beliefs of what that meant was eating away at me. I was so angry I would break things, want to storm out of the house and hurt myself, leave my husband. I wanted to fight all the time and I wasn't happy.
I wanted to feel beautiful and feminine, I wanted to feel like a Goddess, as I did before I got married and gave birth. It's those things specifically that force you to truly step into those roles and the Queens Journey did that for me.
It helped me slow down and acknowledge my inner beauty.
It showed me how to create space to have conversations with my inner Queen.
The Queen's journey also forced me to grow up and stop being a bratty princess That the kingdom belonged to me and if I wanted to rule it, I needed to step up gracefully.
Every time I had a Queen's meeting, I learned to ask myself more empowering questions to move myself forward.
My biggest shift: It's Okay to Trust and Honor God.
This journey forced me to go down this path to freedom.
I accomplished healthy and consistent fitness and meditation exercises. I work out vigorously and happily for an hour 3 to 5 times. I week, I meditate close to 30 minutes a day at least 6 times a week and have been practicing this for the past 5 months.
These 2 practices have balanced out my energy in ways that have created this beautiful loving relationship with God, all the Angels, Spiritual Helpers and Spiritual Teachers.
The group support took me awhile to warm up to. I would always root for everyone one the call but sometimes when I'd speak without the group's feedback I would feel like anomaly but I learned that was ME judging myself and in the end I learned they too were rooting for me. I had the thought that it would be good to hear their feedback but there's plenty online in the facebook group.
Plus, this helped filter out my desire to be accepted and there is no need to desire what I already have 🙂 infinite support from all directions!
"Saskia is a true life~changer. As a stay at home mom of 3 kids (plus twins) I had a dream of sharing my gifts…. But how? She helped me to re-connect with my true purpose and thanks to her amazing soul-awakening program, I finally remember who I am, and who I don't need to be anymore. After the program I have designed a full chakra power card deck. It’s at the printer now. I have created several teaching programs, wrote a workbook, designed classes, AND I have a structure in my family. I know how to make time for me, my kids and my creative work. Saskia brought a burst of positive energy and an excitement into my life. I love her open heart, sincere understanding and her supportive voice. My dreams became a reality! I'll always be grateful to the universe for connecting our souls."
~Julia B, Virginia
Before I started the Queen's Journey, I was frustrated, and felt like I was lost in the storm.
Life was passing me by, and everything that was happening was what I didn't want. I didn't have the job I wanted, the relationship I wanted, I wasn't the mother I wanted, and I didn't have the view of myself that I wanted. I was so unhappy, and felt disheartened.
The Queen's Journey helped me tune in to my heart and soul, discover what I really wanted in my life, and learn how to take the steps to make it happen! I am becoming the woman I never dreamed I deserved to be!
My biggest shift was learning that I am deserving of "having it all" and making the right things happen at the right time.
After the Queens Journey:
I have the job, the career track, the family, and the life I always dreamed of.
My biggest accomplishment is birthing my project! I didn't believe I could do it in only 9 months. I am extremely proud and in awe of the life I lead now. The relationship I have with myself is something I never believed I could achieve.