Mothers, this a must read! 5 tools for you!


Hi beautiful ,  I want to celebrate you!

You are ah-mazing. You work hard. You love deeply. I salute you during the month of May and always, but especially in this month that we celebrate mothers!

As mothers, it’s so important to take time to celebrate ourselves as nurturers, creators, and loving guides.

Last night my son asked me if I could wash his baseball uniform for today’s game.

I said yes, put it in the washing machine, and forgot all about it… until he asked today where his baseball clothes were. It was 15 minutes before he had to leave for the game.

They were wet and waiting for him in the washing machine. Oops, I had completely forgotten about it. My son was not happy. You get the idea…

How do we do everything as mothers?

We do it without thinking, and we happily pour our energy into the care of others… But let’s be honest.

It’s a lot of work to be a woman! We get the job done. And I don’t know how, but even the wet uniform became dry enough (in 15 minutes) to wear for the game.

I salute moms because they are magicians. Every mom.

Right now I encourage you to love yourself in the same way you love your families.

Imagine if you had the same urgency to take care of your needs as you do for your kids.

Here are five things you can do to give some TLC to your mind, your body, and your soul.

1.    Just sit quietly.

Don’t meditate, but just sit. No guilt allowed. When was the last time you just sat? Without being at a computer or a desk or a soccer game? Just sit. Breathe. Listen to the silence. It’s at these times that the healing energy of the universe wraps around you and whispers its advice and its love. To YOU.

2.    Write yourself a love note.

Sound crazy? It’s not! We are fantastic at building up our children. But you are pretty extraordinary too! Whether you run a marathon, cleaned the house from top to bottom, you’ve battled an illness, raised an amazing child, or cooked a delicious meal, you’ve accomplished something.

Create a love note and list 5 accomplishments, small and large. This will set the feel-good endorphins in motion. For sure. Put it on the screen of your computer. Or go over it before you fall asleep. I really love this one.

3. Connect to your guilty pleasures.

Did you used to love to sing? Or bake? Or paint? Or dance?  Maybe you love to read, but it’s been months since you last read a book from cover to cover. Guilty pleasures are a healthy way to treat yourself. We become way too task oriented. Plan one guilty pleasure a week, at the very least! Do it this week. BE, not DO.

4. Learn one new thing.

Or try or do one new thing. Dare yourself. One of the best ways to keep our own mind sharp, our soul stirring and our passion awake is to keep learning ourselves! Whether it’s a new recipe, a course at the community college, or simply a new route on your nightly walk, do something different, something fresh!

I tried out a Thai recipe last week thinking it would be difficult. But it was really easy, and now it’s our family’s favorite. I’ve already made it twice.

5. Take an outrageous Self-Care Day.

Ask your husband to bring your kids to school. Stay in bed and read the paper; bring your tea or coffee to bed. Take a nap during the day. Get a massage. Talk with friends on the phone for hours. Watch three episodes of Scandal in a row. Go to the mall and shop until you drop. Create a crazy self-care day. I did this last week and went to the beach. I threw out my to-do list. I kept my computer closed for a day. It was heaven. Enjoy!

For today and always, remember to salute yourself!

A bow to you,
