This will help you get more in touch with your Soul’s voice and sharpen your listening skills so that you can follow your intuition with less confusion.
Only to the degree a mother is in touch with her unique Soul’s path can she guide her children on theirs.
Why Soul Card Readings? I’ve been teaching and doing readings for two decades and have personally seen peoples lives transcend based on taking them seriously. There is an art to working with cards and interpreting their meaning. The wisdom these cards hold are directly tapped into the guidance that help us navigate our lives to happiness.
Now I will take the time to connect | pull cards | and read to you ever Monday.
Happy 4th of July for all the Americans!
Today’s Cards
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The First Card is from Doreen Virtue’s Guidebook Healing With the Angels Oracle Cards
“You now allow yourself to express your power. Being powerful is safe for you. Knowing that you express your power with love.
You have all the power of your Creator within you!
The angels ask you to give them any fears you may have connected with being a powerful person. Allow yourself to shine with this radiant love so that your true power can radiate out into the world in miraculous ways.”
Soul Guidance:
What does it mean to be powerful?
When you tap into your true Self and act upon the guidance of your Soul you activate your power.
The whispers of your true Self always want action.
I looked up the word power in the dictionary:
“The biblical description of power relates primarily to God and people. Power is an inherent characteristic of God. It is the result of his nature.
The Second Message is from Esther and Abraham Hicks Ask and Its Given Cards
Whatever abundance I seek is mine. (It is Law!):
“Whatever I desire – and then allow – I must experience. There is no exception to that.
As I hold myself in vibrational alignment with my desire, I will experience, in all ways, the fulfillment of that desire.”
Soul Guidance:
I pulled this card a little while ago. We need to see this message again.
When you come into alignment with your desire and then allow it, you will experience it.
What abundance are you seeking?
Every morning when you wake up set your intention on these desires.
What is your Soul saying to you today? Act upon your inner guidance.Your Soul wants you to live your dream and unleash your potential and there’s simply too much at stake if you don’t…Every Monday look out for the Monday Soul Card Reading and get the support you need to live the life of your dreams.Go deep with the cards today and clear up anything that stands between you and your dreams. Your gift is needed in the world.With Love,