This will help you get more in touch with your Soul’s voice and sharpen your listening skills so that you can follow your intuition with less confusion.
Only to the degree a mother is in touch with her unique Soul’s path can she guide her children on theirs.
Why Soul Card Readings? I’ve been teaching and doing readings for two decades and have personally seen peoples lives transcend based on taking them seriously. There is an art to working with cards and interpreting their meaning. The wisdom these cards hold are directly tapped into the guidance that help us navigate our lives to happiness.
Now I will take the time to connect | pull cards | and read to you ever Monday.
Today’s Cards
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The First Card is from Doreen Virtue’s Guidebook for Magical Mermaids and Dolphins
Make a Decision:
“Feeling stuck or indecisive? By drawing this card, however Heaven asks, what do you want? Sometimes the Universe asks us to be the decision maker, and this is one of those times.
Instead of passively allowing life to push you around like a canoe without oars, you’re counseled to take charge and set your own course.
Your decisiveness is the catalyst for Heaven to clear the way for your manifestation. Let go of all fears or worries, and focus only on the destination you intend to reach.”
Soul Guidance:
The quality of your life depends on the decisions you make. Be assured that your Soul is always daring you to play bigger.
Don’t go into the energy of “thinking about it” because your mind will advise you: NO. Don’t DO IT.
Thinking about it is the energy of finding reasons not to go ahead and do something, or have something or try something.
When you look at the next card…wow, I am so excited to get you into a BIG Yes because the Universe responds to Yes energy.
It lines up the possibilities to birth a new part of you. Just keep reading…smile!
The Second Message is from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Cards Guidebook
Giving Birth:
“I am bringing forth new and dynamic energy into the world. It’s time to launch a new project. The ideas that have been gestating within you are ready to manifest.
With attentive care and feeding, miracles can abound. The Universe wants you to know: Perhaps there is a quality, project, or talent within you that wants to be born.
Timing is everything, and the timing is now!”
Soul Guidance:
Is there anything you have been putting off that you need to birth in your life?
Make sure you reach out for help. The time is NOW!
I am writing a book about Motherhood and Living your Soul’s Calling. It’s the project I am giving birth to this year.
What is your project? In the Queens Journey our group of women are giving birth to the most amazing projects. I am so thrilled to guide them and help them birth their Souls calling into the world.
Are you ready to birth a new way of expressing yourself in the world? Don’t think about it, do it. Set yourself up for success and hire a mentor or a coach. You can’t do it all alone.
What is your Soul saying to you today? Act upon your inner guidance.Your Soul wants you to live your dream and unleash your potential and there’s simply too much at stake if you don’t…Every Monday look out for the Monday Soul Card Reading and get the support you need to live the life of your dreams.Go deep with the cards today and clear up anything that stands between you and your dreams. Your gift is needed in the world.With Love,