Every Monday I will pull two divination cards for you. If you open that email that means that the reading is for you. Listen to your Soul and when you see the Monday Morning Soul Reading in your inbox you decide if it’s for you that day.
This will help you get more in touch with your Soul’s voice and sharpen your listening skills so that you can follow your intuition with less confusion.
Only to the degree a mother is in touch with her unique Soul’s path can she guide her children on theirs.
Why Soul Card Readings? I’ve been teaching and doing readings for two decades and have personally seen peoples lives transcend based on taking them seriously. There is an art to working with cards and interpreting their meaning. The wisdom these cards hold are directly tapped into the guidance that help us navigate our lives to happiness.
Now I will take the time to connect | pull cards | and read to you ever Monday.
Today’s Cards
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The First Card is from Doreen Virtue’s Ascended Masters Oracle Cards Guidebook
Drink More Water: Oshun
” This card comes to you as a sign that your body is thirsty for pure water. Symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, irritation, and excessive hunger can actually be dehydration in disguise.
Water helps you flush harsh energies and toxins that your sensitive body otherwise might absorb.”
Soul Guidance:
Bless your water before you drink it. I know this message certainly is a good reminder for me. Make sure you drink healthy water.
This card can also mean spend time near the ocean. Walk with your feet in the ocean. It’s so rejuvenating.
The Second Card is from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Cards Guidebook
” You have been gathering your inner forces and are coming into your own strength. Assume your power. Accept the vibrant truth that all you need is already in you.
If you have given away your authenticity to someone or something else, now is the chance to reclaim it.
Pulling this card indicates that it is time to stand in your own light.”
Soul Guidance:
What or who has stopped you from expanding your potential in the past?
How can you come into your power more fully?
Do you have subconscious blocks or patterns that hold you back every time you are ready to expand?
Often (but not always) the patterns are not only from this life but also from genetic inheritance and past lives too.
What is your Soul saying to you today? Act upon your inner guidance.Your Soul wants you to live your dream and unleash your potential and there’s simply too much at stake if you don’t…Every Monday look out for the Monday Soul Card Reading and get the support you need to live the life of your dreams.Go deep with the cards today and clear up anything that stands between you and your dreams. Your gift is needed in the world.With Love,