This will help you get more in touch with your Soul’s voice and sharpen your listening skills so that you can follow your intuition with less confusion.
Only to the degree a mother is in touch with her unique Soul’s path can she guide her children on theirs.
Why Soul Card Readings? I’ve been teaching and doing readings for two decades and have personally seen peoples lives transcend based on taking them seriously. There is an art to working with cards and interpreting their meaning. The wisdom these cards hold are directly tapped into the guidance that help us navigate our lives to happiness.
Now I will take the time to connect | pull cards | and read to you ever Monday.
Today’s Cards
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The First Card is from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Cards Guidebook
Renewing Your Life:
“Radiant vitality is filling my life. A powerful inner and outer renewal is occurring in your life. Purification is happening on many levels. Take your life to the next level by clutter clearing. Release situations and people that don’t empower you, space-clear your environment, and eat lightly.
If you have a sense that your auric field, your living space, or your body have become cluttered or dingy, this is the time to do some inner and outer clearing.”
Soul Guidance:
Is there anything that you need to clear out of your life?
Clutter clean this week, no matter what. For sure I will do it. With five kids at home…you can imagine.
Take 15 minutes each day to clutter-clear, and be amazed how good you feel as you go along.
My coach used to say: “Don’t stop when you’re tired but stop when you’re done.”
The Second Card is from Doreen Virtue’s Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards
Spiritual Growth:
“You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy this process. During this time, you may feel a mixture of many feelings: confusion, excitement, fear, and wonder.
What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your job, marriage or friendships? These worries create a fear that may erode the enjoyment your spiritual studies bring you.”
Surrender these fears to God, dearest one!
Soul Guidance:
Let go and trust that all be well. The spiritual journey is a path of no return. Know that you are loved, supported, and guided every step of the way.
These two cards complement each other so well
In the last weeks I have been hosting a Private 4-Day Quantum Leap Retreats. In these retreats people work one-on-one with me. We always start by drawing cards. The cards often speak louder than my words to set the stage. These retreats accelerate your Spiritual Growth a hundred fold. My client met his Soul mate while being in this private retreat! The power of spiritual growth makes you like a magnet of attraction.
What is your Soul saying to you today? Act upon your inner guidance.Your Soul wants you to live your dream and unleash your potential and there’s simply too much at stake if you don’t…Every Monday look out for the Monday Soul Card Reading and get the support you need to live the life of your dreams.Go deep with the cards today and clear up anything that stands between you and your dreams. Your gift is needed in the world.With Love,