Today we’re celebrating a huge success. Our fourth child passed the road test. I just got back from the store to buy big cake. Woohoo! What a relief! Joy and new freedom for both of us! If you’re a parent of a sixteen-year-old, you understand what I mean. We all know it’s NOT a… Continue reading How To Teach Your Kids The 4 Success Principles On The Road
Author: Saskia
Thank God I Was Out of My Mind
Have you ever been called out of your mind? All my life-changing decisions have been made when I was out of my mind. What does it mean to be out of your mind? It means that you don’t listen to the stories that keep you stuck in fear and stop you from taking inspired (in… Continue reading Thank God I Was Out of My Mind
#1 Lesson From a Dog: The Law of Attraction Always Works!
Good morning… Today I want to inspire with a sweet and short lesson from our dog about how the Law of Attraction works. In fact, the number-one lesson we’ve learned from our dog is why the law of attraction always works! I can’t count the many walks I’ve done around with our kids the block with our dogs. If… Continue reading #1 Lesson From a Dog: The Law of Attraction Always Works!
How Food Shopping Changed My Life Today!
Have you ever wondered why habits are hard to break? Especially those habits that you don’t name as “bad” habits even though they cost you a lot of precious time? Do you have such habits? Usually, they’re hidden and they keep you from living full-out. Let me share how changing one habit changed my life and how a long… Continue reading How Food Shopping Changed My Life Today!
Going With the Flow and Relax: Let The Universe Help
Align your goals with the vision and voice of your soul to achieve your destiny! When you are in alignment with your Soul’s desires, the Universe conspires in your favor. Things go with the flow, and synchronicity is part of your manifestation process. It is fun! Your goals suddenly seem easier to achieve than you… Continue reading Going With the Flow and Relax: Let The Universe Help
Moms’ Zen Approach to Happiness
”A bad day for the Ego is a good day for the Soul.” ~ Michael Beckwith Some days I have to pinch myself… While waking up and feeling our kitten’s silky fur on my chest as she’s purring her heart out… While feeding the hungry bellies of our five kids with breakfast at the kitchen… Continue reading Moms’ Zen Approach to Happiness