I want to share my #1 Joy Formula in Motherhood that you’ll love! This really works and it’s important. As mothers, when we stop taking care of ourselves, we lose our joy. Needless to say, the whole family suffers when you are out of sync. I assure you – It doesn’t have to be that… Continue reading The Joy Formula Quiz: #1 Joy Formula for Motherhood
Author: Saskia
Stepping into Motherhood: How I Lost Myself and Found Myself
Do you sometimes feel “used up”? Do you sometimes wonder where your ‘old self’ went? The crazy one before you became a mom? Stepping into motherhood was the ultimate lesson for me in how I lost myself and found myself at the same time. The truth is that each one of my children revealed more… Continue reading Stepping into Motherhood: How I Lost Myself and Found Myself
Monday Morning Soul Card Readings with Saskia August 17th
Consider this your guidance straight from the Universe to your heart. So, let’s get going all right… Monday Morning Soul Card Readings What is it: Every Monday I will pull two divination cards for… Continue reading Monday Morning Soul Card Readings with Saskia August 17th
Beautiful Dreams Ahead
At least five times per week I pass this sign along the road and it always redirects my mind from the daily grind into the direction of my dreams. For a moment my mind switches to where I really want to go… But I also wonder why do we need to be cautious about our… Continue reading Beautiful Dreams Ahead
Wrong Place Wrong Time
Oh, I love my life! Does it sometimes seem like you’re at the wrong place at the wrong time? When I woke up this morning I set my intention to do a yoga class and give my body the well-deserved exercise. As soon as I stepped into the class, I wondered what was going… Continue reading Wrong Place Wrong Time
Mom Struggles When Kids Go to College
As I am writing to you, tears roll down my cheeks. Letting go, that part of motherhood, I find the toughest. Take 3 minutes and read the story underneath the photo… cuddle up with your tea and enjoy. I just waved goodbye to my fourth child who left the nest. We’re going from motherhood into… Continue reading Mom Struggles When Kids Go to College