Do you sometimes feel “used up”? Do you sometimes wonder where your ‘old self’ went? The crazy one before you became a mom?
Stepping into motherhood was the ultimate lesson for me in how I lost myself and found myself at the same time.
The truth is that each one of my children revealed more of me.
To be ‘used up’, having lived my life to the fullest, isn’t that the ultimate goal to strive for? Don’t we all want to look back in awe at our life?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to express our God-given talents in all that we are and take a chance rather than to live a mediocre life by playing it small?
When I became a mom, my journey to grow into a greater version of me as a woman began.
I birthed my first son and my new Self in one BIG breath.
My life changed in that subtle moment. Suddenly, it wasn’t all about ME anymore; for a while, I became last.
The word ME became WE.
Without preparation, I was rebirthed and welcomed into a brand-new world of motherhood with many sleepless nights, breast infections, and underwear up to my waist.
One cliché followed another, and I soon discovered all were true.
My child was my world, and he consumed all of me with utter joy. Even though I adored my son and completely fell in love with motherhood, I also lost myself.
My sense of Self was gone. Who was I now?
Do you ever have that?
Looking back after having five children, I smile.
Maybe you recognize yourself in this story, or maybe a motherhood journey awaits you. If motherhood is your calling, let me tell you that it’s the best and most joyful dream on the planet that you can fulfill.
I’ve learned so many valuable lessons that I want to inspire you to create a connected and loving family.
Because happy, connected families raise kids that thrive.
But it all starts with mom.
My biggest lesson for today:
“To be used up” is only useful if we talk about sharing your true essence and your beautiful gifts with the world.
Next to mothering your children, you need to mother your unique essence from the inside out by nourishing and trusting your God-given gifts as a mother and a beautiful woman, as well as in your profession or business.
You can have it all. The conversation is not either, – or. Your legacy is important!
What can you do this week to mother your unique essence and gifts even more? Please share it with us below!
Take one step.
Just a baby-step. Or a big step…
Much Love,