Beautiful Dreams Ahead

At least five times per week I pass this sign along the road and it always redirects my mind from the daily grind into the direction of my dreams.

For a moment my mind switches to where I really want to go…

But I also wonder why do we need to be cautious about our beautiful dreams?

I know why.

Dreams need to be treated like precious unborn babies in the womb, and we need to nourish them with great care. Your dreams matter. They show your unique gift to the world.

Your Dreams:

  • Long to be born. You can’t ignore them
  • Are always bigger than you are. That’s why it’s scary to dream big
  • Get stuck in the birth canal if you don’t believe in them.
  • Won’t die, but a part of you will never see the light of day if you don’t make them happen. That is sad
  • Equal an enormous amount of risk taking.
  • Make the world a better place. For sure!

Are not for ‘one day’ but for now.

Show the path of your Soul.

The biggest gift a mom can give her kids is to follow her dreams so they can follow theirs.

If you stay wishing, wanting, and looking at your dream board nothing happens. Dreams need pursuing

Wishing, wanting and desiring are passive. Most people confuse these things.

Pursuing is active.

That’s why we need to be cautious with our beautiful dreams ahead. Dreams need action.

Write out one commitment for this month.

Take one action step this week. Do it for you. Do it for your kids.

Your legacy is important.

Much Love,

Saskia Signature