While my husband was working in the yard he found two baby raccoons.
Full of joy, he brought them into the house not realizing that these cute babies would start off a roller coaster…
I will share with you 4 lessons learned that have changed my life for good.
For hours I was on the phone with every possible person who could tell me what to do or where to bring these 2-week old babies.
I was told, with mostly harsh and screaming voices, to get rid of them and not touch them. Put them back where we found them. They made me feel like a criminal.
It broke my heart to put them back, not touch them and leave them crawling in the middle of the yard.
I knew intuitively the mom was gone, but we wanted to give nature a chance in case she would come back.
The night was cold and so was I. Feeling horrified to leave them there. Alone and without food or shelter.
When I looked out the window the next morning they looked dead.
And nature got her chance…
To our big surprise, they still lived. In the meanwhile I had researched for ways to feed them and how to keep them alive.
In short, my life changed overnight with what was to come. I made at least 40 calls to figure out who could take the babies but nobody could. Okay Universe, I’ll take them, I said. There must be a reason.
Suddenly I was back in the days of early motherhood. Gosh, what a joy. But these babies needed to be fed 6 times a day and because they were twins the feeding took at least 45-minutes.
My heart went completely open. What a joy and ohhhhhh how much I loved to have babies again.
But…who knew I had time to do six 45-minute feedings a day while coaching, teaching my classes, taking care of my kids and 6 animals, too? Not me…
It blew my mind and these babies proved again the New Code of Motherhood is true. You can do both with ease and grace.
You don’t have to be overwhelmed or give up your business because if you have your family success structure in place, you can do both.
Thank you Mother Nature for showing me!
Here’s my point:
1. Having time is a conversation about prioritizing your activities.
You have a lot more time than you think. Take a look at where you waste your time. What you give your attention to blossoms. These babies showed me what was important and how time did open up if I scheduled things differently.
2. You attract the dominant energy you’re vibrating.
Why do animal mommies always drop off their babies in our yard? Or want to raise them in our yard? This happens too frequently to call it a coincidence. The energy around our house feels like the best and most safe place to drop them off. It’s the best option to have their babies thrive. Animals can’t think, only sense.
They feel the vibration of our happy family life and my work life of helping mothers to be successful AND they must sense a lot of “baby whispering” (smile). That attracts…I am all about babies and mothers. What about you?
3. Your body is in tune with nature.
The body is a miracle. I read that after feeding the babies the mothers lick the babies bellies to help the stool pass. But if the mom is not there you have to massage their bellies so they can pee and poop. After each feeding, I massaged their bellies with a warm wet cloth. To my amazement it worked right away. The babies also started to purr as well. It was so cute. Your body is a miracle. Do you trust your body?
4. Doing what you love feeds your heart and Soul, therefore life becomes easier.
Feeding these babies completely opened my heart to another level during the day. It felt like moments of bliss and meditation. Being in the moment of what is most important creates an enormous flow of inspiration and productivity. Which gave me (saved me) time in the end. What activity can you add to your day that feeds your Soul?
What did these baby raccoons show you? What lessons resonate the most for you? How can you apply it in your life?
Much love,