Meet Saskia

Saskia-FurVest-17Hi, Saskia here,

I know the extraordinary satisfaction of being a Mother and raising kids that thrive while doing the work I love. It is my privilege to share this gift with you.

In 2001, I woke up and heard the calling of my Soul. She was bold and clear. She told me that our family of seven was to move from Holland to America.

I listened to her voice. We came to America with five children and our dog. Without jobs or contacts, with hardly any money, and with five kids who didn’t speak a word of English. It was the leap of a lifetime.

Thirteen years later, I am a Soul Purpose Expert; Fertility and Birthing Coach; Bestselling Author; co-author with Jack Canfield and Deepak Chopra; Speaker; and happy, fulfilled mother of five.

I’ve reinvented my life multiple times in order to follow my calling. I found my Soulmate, I am raising five beautiful children, and live in the house of my dreams in the land of my dreams, doing the work I love. 

As women, we are here to leave a legacy that we can love motherhood, live our Soul’s calling, and raise kids who thrive. That’s the New Code of Motherhood.