Care for your guy; give him your undivided attention

I imagine that the last weeks of the year are kind of crazy… and you might wonder who is taking care of you?

However today I am talking about the relationship where we put the power into your hands.

This is a different twist on it…( bear with me:-)

Did you how important it is to stay connected to your guy if you want to create a happy connected family atmosphere?

Especially this time of the year?

If you are one of the few amazing men reading this, you can do the same thing for your beautiful women.

Take a moment and stop. Take a deep breath.

Set the intention to give some extra care to your relationship.

Here’s how you can bring the romance in your relationship: 

Appreciate him out loud. Don’t assume he knows how you feel about him. Be more explicit than simply, “I love you.” Take every once in a while, one full minute and tell him what you love about him. How he makes you feel.

Care for him like you care for your kids. Men also love undivided attention. As a couple, you need it. Let the kids be the kids when you talk with him; teach them to have respect for your alone time.

Don’t walk around like a slob in the house each day, but make an effort to keep the attraction alive. He’ll notice, even though he might not say it.

Cook for just the two of you. I always cooked twice each night: once for my kids ( when they were younger)  at 5:30, when I would sit down with them while they ate and talk, and once at 7:30, when my husband came home. Of course, when they get older things change, you eat together as a family.

Have your Happy Hour daily. I believe that is what kept our marriage so alive was that despite the hustle and bustle of five young kids running around, we had enough alone time amidst them.

We first had a glass of wine together and then ate dinner. This way we had time to talk with each other every day. The kids would play around us but not interrupt, and somehow we all enjoyed this happy hour. You can start at early age with them. They learn soon enough that you two talk and they play by themselves.

Make this a habit. Stick with it.

We still have our happy hour, its one of those sacred moments of the day.

After 26 years we have not skipped a day. 

I would love to hear from you, how do you keep the romance in you relationship ? 

Please Share Below.

Much Love,
Saskia Signature