Today I want to share three ways to help you to turn around worry.
I talked yesterday with a dear friend about worry. Especially in this busy season where we more easily tend to go into overwhelm, our fears come up. Fears about getting everything done, about spending time with our family, and more…
If we worry it’s always about fearing a negative outcome concerning something that hasn’t happened yet.
“What if…” (Fill in the worst-case scenario blank).
Do you ever do this?
How many “what if’s” are floating around in your mind?
Name 3 negative scenarios:
Here’s what you can do:
3 Great Strategies to Turn Around Worry within Minutes
#1. Read the poem at the top of this post, and if you have a hard time giving away all your worries and concerns for a full day, do it only for a few hours.
That’s what I did when I practiced this technique for the first time. It’s like going on a vacation from your mind.
Ultimately this is the BEST strategy you can ever use. (I am still in practice mode). This poem is glued on my Dream Board.
The first time I played with this for a full morning, I drove to the bookstore Barnes & Noble, and the book Ask and It’s Given by Abraham Hicks dropped in my lap.
I said, “Is it really that easy?” It must be so, but as human beings we aren’t used to letting go and letting God.
Turn your worry over to God and turn your negative what if into a positive what if.
#2. Create a belief statement and say:
“I am in the process of trusting that… ”
Fill in the challenge you’re struggling with, and end with a positive outcome.
#3. Every time you catch yourself worrying, instead of saying “I worry,” say, “I wonder,” and focus on a positive outcome.
What if you envision the best possible outcome?
This can change your life.
I love to hear from you.
With love,